By special request I am attempting the Pliny Clone once more. I have retooled the recipe to reflect my current mash efficiency and the knowledge I have around hop utilization. This one should be drier and have a touch more bitterness than my first attempt.
You can see the first recipe here.. PLINY!!
The following recipe is set at 85% efficiency, my set up is a beast at small amounts of grain. There is also 1lb 10oz of dextrous in this ale. Which is going to dry out the ale and drive up the ABV to 8%. 115 grams of Columbus at 14.2% Alpha Acid bring the bitterness, 30g + 71g of Simcoe bring the flavor & aroma. I allow for a gallon of hop debris and trub to be sure to collect 5.5 gallon of clean ale.
OG 1.070
PG 1.049
FG 1.011
EFF: 85%
ABV: 7.9%
SRM: 5.3
Mash at 151F for 60 Minutes. Boil for 90 Minutes. A healthy starter of Wyeast 1056 or US 55 dry yeast.
11 lb 4 oz 2 Row
8 oz Caramel 40
8 oz Carapils
1lb 10 oz Dextrous (corn sugar)
115 g Columbus 90 min
23 g Columbus 45 min
28 g Simcoe 30 min
71 g Simcoe Flame Out
28 g Centennial Flame Out
Dry Hop 1
28 G each of Columbus, Simcoe and Centennial
Dry Hop 2
7g each of Columbus, Simcoe and Centennial