Chicago winter has finally hit and put a damper on how much I can get out and brew. As soon as it stops precipitating I will be firing up WTF Saison and possibly an Sticke. In the mean time I was invited to be part of a cool project. Several Home Brewing Twitter junkies were invited to brew a chosen style on the same day, add local flare to it and then swap with everyone involved in the project. You can read more about it at I will be cross posting from that blog but feel free to check it out the other participants beer at that link.
One of my beers will be featured on an upcoming episode of the BGP (Beer Genome Project). Done by a few friend's I have met through the awesome internet home brew community. Check it out at I will post more info when that episode is out. Finally I had a chance to help out Ken and Brad with the Three Floyd's Beer Dinner episode of Hopcast. You can check them out here,
7 hours ago
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