The great thing about Home Brewing is the option to keep things as simple or complex as your time and ability allow. Also the option to experiment with different methods, as you are only disappointing yourself or maybe a few drinking buddies.
To Answer "@Fermentus" question, I nixed the FWH cause I was adding my 0 minute hops when my wort chilled to 180F. I read about this in Ted Danyluk's blog and thought it was worth checking out. This would be similar to doing whirlpool hops or using a hop back. I always add 0 minute hops as soon as the flame is off. You can read Ted's blog for more info. Ted's Homebrew Journal.
According to the Bries web site, flaked rye adds a more subtle Rye flavor. Everyone who tried my previous Rye PA liked the level of Rye flavor. Since this is a paler brew, I subbed out some of the Rye Malt grist percent for Flaked Rye. I am hoping this along with the Willamette hops brings a unique flavor to this beer. We will see.
The German Hefeweizen AKA LITTLE HEFFER! Only has a Hallertau charge for bittering and one at 15 minutes for Flavor/Aroma. The American Heffer has american yeast, american hops and similar grain bill. I like using a small amount of Special B in my wheats.
I am sure the American Wheat will be a kick ass beer. The Rye PA 2.0, we will see. I am not sure the paler beer can hold on to the Rye. I am keeping it under temp control for the first few days, as the original Rye PA had some alcohol esther, especially as it warmed. Thanks "@beersys " for making that clear to me.
6 hours ago
Thanks for the shot out.
My rye beer from last year was very pale and had 3 lbs of flaked rye. A generous hopping, and overall, it was great. I hope to get one in this year.
I have done three Rye Ale's this year. The original recipe was well received but I wanted to do something a little different. Also got a Rye Saison hanging out in secondary right now.
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